Over 100 years Brokking

Brokking Groep B.V. has been active in the agricultural sector for over 100 years with valorising raw materials, upgrading circular streams and wholesale of fertilisers.

Triferto, Feedvalid, Dekker Granen and AppsforAgri are all agribusiness companies part of the Brokking family business.

By 2023, one-third of its employees were employed at its foreign branches.
“The B (Bewust) Conscious; it challenges us to work smarter. To do better tomorrow. This requires awareness of everyone's own behaviour, clarity and vision for the future.” |
Our values
Brokking's values are based on its 3Bs: Bewust, Betrokken, Betrouwbaar; Conscious, Committed, Reliable.
The B of Conscious challenges us to work smarter. To do better tomorrow. This requires awareness of everyone's own behaviour, clarity and vision for the future.
The B of Committed stands for increasing commitment to the company, colleagues and environment. We strive for a sincere working relationship in which, in addition to being interested in each other, you enjoy working together, dare to ask questions, are able to deal with feedback and build a bond with each other. Commitment requires space. Space for innovation and improvement. Space to make work more fun and better. And space to do your work your way.
The B of Reliable starts with ‘saying what you do and doing what you say’. Being honest, honouring agreements and starting (and ending) meetings at the agreed time. Reliability requires an open culture where you can report things directly. Where you don't talk about people, but with people. And where you can voice what is going well and what is not.

Our brands

At Triferto, we believe in making food available for future generations by contributing to a fertile soil by making soil nourish life. By taking responsibility over the proper application of fertilisers in the soil, it makes food available for future generations. Special blends and innovative additives help improve crop yields and reduce mineral losses in the field. This speciality makes this family-owned company attractive to both international producers and customers who need these fertilisers for the challenges of our time. Triferto has developed into an international company with five sales areas: The Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium and Export - overseas, countries outside Europe.

FeedValid processes raw materials with various advanced production techniques into high-quality ingredients, improving nutrient utilisation and increasing feed value. In addition, FeedValid processes residual streams from the food industry, into high-quality, innovative feed ingredients for the compound feed, pet food and aqua industries in North-West Europe. In doing so, FeedValid contributes to more efficient and sustainable food production and adds value to the quality of life of animals.

Dekker Granen and Fertilisers operates in the agricultural market in the broadest sense of the word. The sales market is mainly local. Dekker sees it as an important task and considers it a challenge to help crop growers and its resellers to use fertilisers in an economically feasible, environmentally friendly way and as such contribute to sustainable agriculture. In cereal farming, Dekker has been a well-known player for many years. In this, Dekker only has the function of trader as well as temporary storage.

The experts in digital technology for agriculture are at AppsforAgri. Here we work together to promote a sustainable future for farmers through innovation, accessible technology, knowledge sharing and global collaboration.

As of 2022, an internal sustainability policy has been developed and implemented for Triferto and FeedValid. This sustainability policy was developed and drafted by the local companies in cooperation with the Brokking Groep and goes beyond compliance with laws and regulations. In this policy, we have developed our strategic sustainability goals, in which we see an important role for the Brokking Groep vis-à-vis the industries in which we operate. As part of this sustainability policy, specific objectives have been formulated and standards set. These are actively monitored and recorded on a quarterly basis.

Transistorstraat 71-K, 1322 CK Almere